Music Video Draft 4

Below is our draft 4 of our music video. Overall Zoe and I are very happy with how it has turned out. The use of mise en scene along with the camera techniques and editing has all helped construct the powerful message that “true identity brings the most happiness”. The idea of taking your make up off and letting your hair down is presented throughout and hopefully is emphasized to our audience.

What have we changed from draft 3?

  • We have added adjustment layers to both the performance and narrative pieces of film. For the performance side (our artist), the adjustment layer of the Instagram styled look builds up as the song progresses. This shows how as a famous individual, you are pressured into covering yourself up to present something perfect. The filter we created to do this has lots of blue tones and we have increased the contrast and saturation to create the Instagram styled look. This helps to create a fake and heavily edited look. On the narrative side, the opposite happens. As the song progresses, the adjustment layer’s opacity is decreased so that by the end, the girls are shown in a very natural light. This is where they are most happy which helps to emphasize the message that your natural self is where the most happiness comes from.
  • We also added a few more transitions such as cross dissolve to help move from one clip to the other more smoothly. This helps to make our music video run smoother and be more pleasant to watch..

Things to improve:

  • We could possibly feather the split screen and wipe transition to make them less harsh.


We also showed our draft 4 to an audience to see what they thought and to receive more feedback from a fresh set of eyes. Below is a recording of them watching it and I have also done an overview of what they said. Overall it was all very positive with no negatives.

  • They really liked the make up and hair.
  • They found that the message was really clear especially when we did a before and after shot.
  • The split screen was also very interesting and showed a strong contrast between the two sides.
  • There is a wide variety of shots that work really well.





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