Language Analysis

In order to acheive a better understanding of what to feature in my own article, I looked to analyse the styles and language used in a real world article that covers a similar topic as I plan to; this being the construction a new band/group.

As a provided example by our teacher, I have analysed and commented on this article by Billboard magazine.

For a general overview, this article is written as an introduction to a new music group, beginning with a general description of the group and following into an interview with the members, the readers are introduced clearly to the who, what and why of the artists, including clear titles, photos and information to convey this. The attention is immedietley caught with the title spanning the length of the page, unconventionally formatted vertically to further draw attention, this is accompanied by clear photos of each band member as well as their names clearly listed above the article content itself. The introductory article is written in a third person voice, followed by the interview questions and answers that are written in first person from the perspective of the intervewer/band members respectively, this creates for the readers a clear view and outside look to contexualize and familiarize themselves with the characters of the band before they move to a more personal interaction with them, creating a natural progression and introduction to them as a new, upcoming group.

The reader is then drawn into the text itself, with an initial drop capital to catch their eye and make the beginning clear, the article sets the scene with a descriptive, narrative tone; “The three men gathered this sunny Memorial Day afternoon on a patio in Los Angeles could not, in some ways, be more different.” illustrates a clear image to the audience and sets them up to find out more, as they ask themselves what these differences are, and how, from this declarative statement, the three men came to form a band. From this opening sentance, the article immedietley answers these questions, satisfying the reader’s needs and describing each member individually to continue building a mental image of the scene and context. This descriptive, clear and declarative style fits well as an article as it clearly conveys to the reader’s the information they want to gain in a standard rhythm, as they are proposed an idea which is immedietly followed by it’s context/answer, consistently stimulating them as they read on and learn more.

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