Article Idea Development

Before writing my article in full, I first worked on this planning document in order to get a better idea of the format/structure I’m going to use and how the content of the magazine fits into it;


Possible Topics / Formats Q&A


New artists

Release review

Key Terms / Language Genre specific terms, adjectives relating to the group’s newness and use of strong, confident vocabulary (use plosives?) and terms to reflect aggressive nature.
Questions Inspiration? Motivation? Plans? Writing process? Relationship?
Uses and Gratifications Reader wants to know more about the new group and learns about them from reading, with a general introduction followed by Q&A section the reader can align themselves with the perspective of the interviewer as they learn more about the music/band members in digestible sections.



Introduce the issue – sum up what the reader is likely to discover in the article.

”Reinvented, refreshed and ready for action, previous Komodo Dragons frontman Luke Halker (guitarist and vocalist) bands together with Patrick Curk (drummer) to expand his career to new horizons as they form the alternative punk musical duo that is Hazard.
Background – Context

The article is likely to outline a brief history of the person or event which the article concerns, so that readers are fully aware of the background facts…

”After announcing his decision to take a break from Komodo Dragons last year, Luke has finally made a return as he declares this collaborative project with Patrick Curk. This dynamic duo allegedly first sparked the idea for this two-piece band when Luke noticed Patrick’s potential and unique character as a drummer when visiting a local gig night, taking the young and spunky percussionist under his wing.”
Discussion, Q and A or interview.

The article is likely to return to the present-day situation at this point, discussing and giving different viewpoints of the person or event, with details and examples and quotations, and making comparisons with the past or with similar topics. 

The writer’s own viewpoint maybe inferred, alternative views might be given equal weight.  

  • Inspiration/motive behind band- name? themes? 
  • Future plans
  • Band dynamic/relationship
  • Random/quirky facts
Prediction – Future?

At this point the article may deal with the future developments or predicted outcome of the present situation:

That the star will go on to become even more famous and successful, or that a current predicament will become worse if nothing is done about it.

  • Information about upcoming releases, an idea of dates and possible tours

The article needs a neat conclusion, which may be an ironic reference or humorous comment, or an evaluation of the different viewpoints, or a reference back to the standfirst or a quotation from the star.

  • Overall statement 
  • Encourages further reader interaction- makes reference to artist’s social media and reassure reader of more coverage on the group in future magazines issues 

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