Our draft 2 included titles which we researched by watching other thrillers to use as a guide and inspiration. We also planned our titles e.g. when and what they would display and then we created them using After Effects.

In the feedback we have gathered it is reassuring that the font and animation look good and fit well with our thriller, however the titles may need to stay on for longer on the screen as they change too quick. The main title idea of the ‘RIP’ coming on before the whole title is good.


  • Ensure the length of all of our titles are visible for a sufficient amount of time.
  • Make sure the titles are placed in positions that can be easily read.
  • All the names need to be in bold and the job titles need to be in lower case.

We also received other feedback from our peers:

  • Make use of a different effect for the opening shot

  • Employ more interesting animations for the titles
  • Have the main title on screen for long enough

  • Maintain the final shot for longer