Here are some of the possible fonts we looked at using for our thriller, we looked specifically at  some handwritten ones on we then decided that something more modern would look so we looked through other fonts on After Effects as well as These fonts made the shortlist we decided something simplistic would be good so it wouldn’t distract from the main action too much.

In the end we decided that it our thriller best suited the fonts that were default on After Effects. We chose this font because although it’s simple it  fits in well and doesn’t distract at all from the action in the thriller. The font we chose was in plain black and it used a typewriter animation purely for effect I do not believe it connotes danger however I think this is a good decision as when it comes the the main thrilling aspects of the thriller the audience will empathise with it more.

Please scroll on the document below to see a screenshot of our titles:

Please scroll on the document below to the tools we used in After Effects to create our titles:

Out of all of these fonts we decided that it would be best to use one of the default fonts that was on After Effects. We did this because we felt they were extremely simple but effective.