First Draft Of Contents Page And Peer Assessment

Below is my first draft of a Contents Page for my music magazine. I ended up choosing this design as it was different to everyone else’s which made it unique. It was my favourite out of the hand drawn layouts as I am able to include four of my own images and have two columns of writing which is very useful. I went with the same background as my front cover so it would match, however I am still undecided whether it looks too much with the text colours, but now I have time to reflect on that and make changes where necessary.

First draft of Contents Page;

Contents Page Peer Assessment From Evie;

What type of shots have been used to create a variety of shot distances and how has the camera been used to communicate meaning?  

  • A close up has been used for one of the insets in order to capture the model’s expression, which gives us an idea of her mood, the way she is staring straight into the camera helps communicate this.  For her second image she has used a mid shot, and her model is looking straight into the camera with a straight face.

What choice of Mise en scene is appropriate for the star image and genre?

  • We can only see one model’s outfit, her outfit is simplistic yet effective and appropriate for her genre. The bright yellow denim jacket contrasts with the plain white top and black accessories, it also makes her stand out against the black backdrop. The position of the model brings attention to her jewellery and her glasses, which also fits with her genre and colour palette. 

  How far is the font used readable and reflects the genre

  • The font used is bold and clear to read, although i do think the font used for the headlines could be difficult to read from a distance, or at first glance. Other than that the colours and sizes all work well together conventionally, and reflect the genre well.

What technical conventions of a Contents page are present and used effectively?  

  • The images are well placed. And the technical conventions are used well to create a good content’s page.  The coverlines, page numbers, the images and colour palette all work well together to reflect the gerne. The use of blue and white typeface contrasts well from the purpley/pink background causing it to stand out.

How has Indesign been used to layout the page to convey a brand

  • I think inDesign has been used very well here as she has included everything she needed to and it is all laid out well , although there still is a bit of spare space for more coverlines. It is informative and conventional.

 How well have the text and visuals been integrated together?

  • The colour palette of the images and typeface correlate well, with the blue eyeshadow on one model matching with the blue coverlines. There is a pretty much even amount of text and images meaning neither overpowers the other.

 How is the language used appropriate for the genre and target audience?

  • The language used is appropriate for the genre, and eye catching to the targeted audience, the audience will be able to recognize ‘interviews with celebs’  and want to read on. Although I think more artists names could have been used in order to fully engage the audience.

Clear, Good, Informative, Conventional


Five targets based off Peer Assessment;

  • To add in more celebrity names too engage audience
  • Add more coverlines
  • Potentially change font for the headlines as could be difficult to read
  • Change background colour (maybe)
  • Add in all of my own images

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