Directing 101


Direct a scene using blocking, framing and notes to actors to communicate two or three different relationships / atmospheres

The Scene

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You may reuse the opening shots/sequence of Y working and X entering the room, but must direct and block the reaction/actions of Y in different ways.

You should block the actors in distinct ways each time, frame the shots to communicate the characters; reactions differently and also give the clear direction on how to use body language and facial expression to communicate their feelings.



Watch one of the four videos below and be prepared to report back on your findings. These findings should be actionable items of advice for you as director.

You should watch the remaining three for independent study.

Class Notes

Use this slideshow to make notes on your allocated resource.

Blocking and Subtext (Implied Meaning)

How does blocking change a scene? If you were director how would you block the movement of the actors / camera?

Here is a Masterclass in Blocking

Giving notes to actors

An Acting Masterclass


Complete the inquiry section of your portfolio page

Action (Pre Production)

Working in Pairs

Draw a simple storyboard of your scene, remember the opening 5-6 shots can be repeated.

Draw a new storyboard, titled for each of the different emotions / tones you want to achieve, these should be no more than 6 shots each.

In each iteration of the storyboard you should be clear about the feel/emotion you want to achieve and also have considered the blocking / acting and framing, which should be distinct for each of your three different versions of the scene

Action (Production)

Working with another pair of students you have one lesson to direct the scene in the three different ways in which you envisaged the scene.


Using screenshots from your video (min 30 seconds) you should consider how far you created 2 or 3 different emotional responses, reflect on your blocking, actors’ performances and the framing.

  • What went well?
  • Even better if…?


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