November 20

Draft of Front Page

This is my first draft of my front cover of my magazine:


I have used the photo of Fabrice since I feel like it has more of an R&B feel. I have made sure the photo is big and centre so all the attention is on the star. The font I have used for the Mast Head is smooth and slick like I wanted and I used the colour blue to be calm and gentle. There is plugs and pugs around the outside of the front page to advertise more artist inside the magazine, however I have tried not to add to many so they don’t take the attention away from my main cover star. I have decided to call my main cover star because it is short and catchy. This way the audience will remember and think of the artist and magazine more often.

For my next draft I would like to change the font of the Main Cover Line because I think it clashes with the Masthead too much. I will hopefully come up with some better, catchy cover lines. I will also play around with the colours since I think some of them clash. I will make my cover star and my Masthead bigger as well.


I asked another Media Student to comment on my choice of: font, photo, design and layout.

They said the magazine projected an R&B, soulful feel. They said they looked straight at the models eyes every time. He looks slick and smooth. They said the whits outline around my purple and red lines were distracting and took away from the feel. They also said that the green didn’t fit with the colour scheme so to try other colours. Finally they said that my bar-code should be chunkier and that it should be horizontal.


  • Get rid of the white surrounding the white and purple
  • Change the colour of “ABE”
  • Turn my bar-code horizontal
  • Make my Masthead bigger
  • Make my cover star bigger

Posted 20th November 2019 by imogenhayman in category Component 1, Music Magazine

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