Contents page – First Draft

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Like every other feature of a magazine, there is more than one draft before it is released. This is becsuse the producer wants to make sure that every feature is as perfect as it can be before the magazine gets sold to the public. The contents page is one of these key components that is needed in every magazine. In this task, I have come up with a design for the contents page. This design will change over time, but this is my first draft. I used the same colours for the background as I did on the front cover, but this time, I added some circles that are meant to look like bubbles. I added these because it could tell the audience more about the genre of music because pop musis is fun and exciting. Sometimes, people link bubbles with fun. I have been peer assessed for this task, and I have included this peer assessment below.




What type of shots have been used to create a variety of shot distances and how has the camera been used to communicate meaning?


You have taken the mid/long shot as all the body is in the photo, so you can see what they are wearing which links into the pop genre. You could add some more photos to show the readers what else will be included but smaller so they don’t overpower the main star.


What choice of Mise en scene is appropriate for the star image and genre?


The outfit was appropriate to the genre as it is casual but effective of how the pop star would be seen in everyday life. The colours match as they are light which shows an uplifting feeling towards this genre although they could be slightly darker to make the contents page more realistic.


 How far is the font used readable and reflects the genre?


Your choice of font is simple and easy to read with the word ‘contents’ which makes it easier for the target audience to read from a distance. The font for what’s in the magazine (headlines) is the same as the rest of the contents page which is very simple and a bit unclear to read so it may be hard for the reader to see at a glance. This could be changed for your final contents page in order for the information telling us what the magazine is about to be eye-catching. I feel like you also need to include a masthead/ coverline to entice the reader in.


What technical conventions of a Contents page are present and used effectively?  


You have included your star image followed by contents page numbers with info which fits the requirements. You have also included a lightning bolt which links in with the pop genre, this also goes with the background colour with added bubbles which creates effectiveness. 


How has Indesign been used to layout the page to convey a brand?


InDesign has been used in the right way to layout the conventions to make a contents page. This is shown because your ‘contents’ is displayed on the side which makes it seem like how a real magazine is layed out. The way you have included your star across the page is bold which is striking to the audience for them to know who is in the magazine. This also relates to how a real magazine would be shown. 


How well have the text and visuals been integrated together?


The text and images have been integrated together in order to link the cover lines/ info about the bold star that has been featured in the contents page and who else is included in the magazine. This is how a magazine would be portrayed in the real world for people to feel intrigued to read it and have a desire to buy it if they want to read about the specific stars and their gossip.


Where has photoshop been used to manipulate the photos to enhance the star image or genre? 


Photoshop has only been used to cut out the star image in order for him to layer the backgrounds, this would have been done to enhance the star image so it’s more stand out without the original background colour of white. 


How is the language used appropriate for the genre and target audience?


The language is appropriate for the genre as it has imperatives and hyperboles to attract the reader e.g. exclusive, giveaway details and a day in the life of Ed Sheeran. This is very casual which links to the pop genre and how people act within this genre. This is a good way to encourage the readers in.


From this peer assessment, I have found five areas where I could improve. These five areas are: Using a different font for different features, using a main coverline to entice the reader in, Use slightly darker clothing on my model and add some more photos to the page

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