Complete Magazine Draft 3

Please click on the image to see the PDF.

What’s new?

– I have changed the font colours so that the cover isn’t too repetitive.

– I have changed the font of some key features and made it bigger, for example, the Josh Streeting is now in a bigger font and a different colour to make it stand out.

– I have changed the background image and added a special effect to make the magazine stand out to people.

– I have made the title bigger and made the word POP all capitals.

– I have changed the text in the plug and I have added a pug.

– In the headlines, I have made the key words a different colour to make people interested in the headline.

– I have filled up the gaps in the page that existed before.

Please click on the image to see the PDF.

What’s new?

– I have re-introduced the lightnng bolt but this time I have made it look neon to fit in with the pop theme.

– I have used a plain black background so that there aren’t too many colours.

– I have added a CD in the top right of the page which shows what page the album review is on.

– I have made the artists names in the headlines a different colour and all capital letters to make it stand out.

– I have used a different image of the model for this draft.

Please click on the image to see the PDF.

What’s New?

– I moved the name of the album to the left page and put a green strike around it.

– I put the word ‘new’ in its own text box, chnaged the colour of it and made it all capitals to make it stand out

– I have added my article instead of using placeholder text.

What I need to improve:

– Centre the text in the PUG on the front cover

– Change colour of ‘Kai C’ on front cover to gold

– Decrease size of barcode

– Make slashes between names yellow

– Re-allign the justin bieber headline

– Add another photo to contents page

– Remove full stop on headline in contents page

– Add a quote on the double page spread under the name of the album

– Try justifying standfirst to left or right

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