Chosen Adverts

Every magazine needs adverts, this is a way for the magazine to make money. But the Magazine needs to match the audiences demographics and psychographics. For my audience, I think they are mostly between the ages of 20 and 30. The audience for my genre like parties and pringles are a party food, so I thought that would be a suitable advert to put in my magazine. On the pringles advert, pop is the largest word and that is the genre of music that I am basing my magazine on so I thought this was another good reason to use this advert.

For the second advert, I thought that I should include something musical, as it is a music magazine. My genre is pop so it would make sense to add a pop artist. So I looked at some pop music adverts and tghe one that stood out to me is the Orla Gartland advert, this is because it uses bright colours, the pink and the green contrast each other really well and I like how the colours are slightly see-through so that we can still see the artist behind. I think this advert would appeal to people because it mentions that she is one of the artists of the year on spotify in 2019, this would appeal to the younger audience because online music streaming is becoming more popular.

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