Final Pitch to Teacher

In the final pitch to our teacher about our ideas for our music video, we had a long conversation about what would work and what wouldn’t. We had to tell the teacher our narrative and where we were planning on filming the different scenes. We had to think carefully about our performance and the people that we would use. We also had to think about what type of narrative we are going to be using. Our narrative is about someone who is diagnosed with a life threatening illness and he relives the best moments from his life in his final moments.


  • Our idea is doable and realistic
  • We have locations in mind that our teacher approves of 
  • Good costumes
  • Narrative is simple and easy to understand/execute
  • We have thought about everything carefully
  • We are aware of the camera angles that will work well



  • Need to think about who will be in the performance 
  • Make sure everyone is credited for everything 
  • Think about how busy the location shoots will be 
  • We have to execute the shorts well so they are not boring
  • Find actors that connote our narrative
  • Use MES carefully in every scene 

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