Music Video Draft 1 – Rough Cut

Now we are on to actually filming our music video. This is a short clip of the performance part of our video. I chose this part of the video to include in this post because I think it is the best edited part of the performance shoot that we have.

What went well?

– We arrived at the locations on time and ready to go

– The sun came out on the day that we did the shoot so the lighting was great

– Our energy was gereat for the performance shoot so in the video you can tell that we were enjoying it.

– Our setting was well chosen because we found a gap in the trees that was easy to shoot in. We also did’nt disturb many people because we were in a forest away from houses.

Things to improve

– I will need to make sure that I get enough shots next time, this is because I felt like I was running out of shots to use in the editing of the performance. There weren’t any close ups of the main star which is something that obviously needs to change for the narrative shoot.

– There was also one of the shots that wasn’t in focus for the performance so I need to make sure that all future shots are in full focus.

– Another thing that we need to be careful of in the narrative shoot is people in the background. In one of the shots, there was someone that could be seen walking through the back of the frame.

– The final thing that I need to make sure is fixed for the narrative shoot is the transitions. If a scene has to be done in two shots in the same place, people cannot jump around in the shot like they are teleporting, unless it is deliberate.

– I need to make sure that more close ups/reaction shots are used in the next shoot we do. This is because we were lacking close ups in this shoot and it meant that we struggled to convey the mood of the performers.

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