Video Narrative Photo Board/Shot List

This is our photo board and shot list from our narrative shoot for our music video. This is essential for plannign what to do on the day of the shoot. These slides include details about what we are going to film and what angle we are going to film it in. This is so that when we get to the shoot location, we don’t end up wasting time deciding what shots to do so these slide come in very helpful when doing shoots. If we follow what we have said we are going to do in these slides, our music video should all go well. Some of the shots included in this shot board are cuts to close up, long shots to establish the scene and mid shots etc. When filming for our narrative, we need to mke sure it makes narratrive sense, this means we need to film it in a way which will make the narrative recognisable to people who are watching the video. We need to make sure that we use a variety of shot distances and shoot the narrative scenes in the correct order, this will make it easier when it comes to editing the footage together. Once we had finished this shoot, we discovered that we had missed somee shots that were very impiortant to our video. We didn’t get enough close up shots so we needed to go and re-shoot for those shots. This shows that no matter how much you plan, you will still run out of ideas and shots. So this shows that in future I almost need to overplan so that I have enough ideas for shots before I get to the shoot.

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