Peer Feedback

For our video, we were peer assessed by 3 different people and here is some of their feedback for us to help improve our video:

Person 1:

‘I think you did a good job with the variety of shots and distances particularly your narrative film. Your video also includes MES which goes with the genre and general feel of the music. However some things I think you can improve on is having more prominent lip syncing to allow the viewer to see the actor singing the song. I have noticed there are some parts where you are not cutting to the beat of the music.’

Person 2:

On genre, all costumes match each other. 

All shots are steady, and the pans are stable too.

Some lip syncing but could be more consistent and constant throughout video (more close ups)

Variety of locations for performance and narrative which all link to the story well. 

Add more close ups for the performance scenes, cut in and out of close up more frequently. (in our video we used the crop tool if we didn’t have a close up filmed)

Multiple angles concerning the animals and when the young girl is playing with them, this adds depth and conveys the genre. 

Although you move locations for the performance the angle is always straight on. Could you add any side angles of performance or low/high. 

I think there is a good amount of movement in the narrative which tells the story line. 

Acting of animals and the young girl tells a credible story. 

Shorten the clip of the girl ripping the paper – as you see that she drops it.

A good amount of close up shots for the instruments.

Plenty of long shots throughout.

You could also add some close up shots of maybe the animals feet as they walk ? To add more variety. 

More close ups – use the crop filter if there are none filmed, we did this frequently in our video.

A variety of instruments used and edited to the beat well. 

The colour filter used during the ‘count in’ adds character and looks really good.

I think you could do more of these or something similar to add vibrance – maybe on the other clips of Emma to make it cohesive.

You have cut from clip to clip on beat, including where there is use of instruments. 

The transition using the ukulele is really good. 

Add more transitions using effects to make the movement between performance and narrative consistent. 

Costume and location.

Transition from one performance scene to another using ukulele.

Narrative and how the story line is addressed.

There is a clip of Emma where she is speaking/lipsyncing but it is not in time to the lyrics. (2:35mins)

Person 3:

What Went Well:

– You have included some great shots of the band in the performance.

–  I especially liked the editing of the color-changing shirt to the beat.

– I understood the narrative at the beginning.

– Great mise-en-scene; use of animal costumes and setting of a real estate agent.

– You executed the transition from the guitar to the performance really well.

– Good use of various camera movements and shots taken from different angles/distances.



– Black cuts are the beginning are distracting and don’t add much to the video.

– Didn’t understand the significance of the posterize, cartoony effect on animals.

– Some blank bits occurred, but I assume you are planning on adding in more clips.

– There’s a clip, a close-up of the bass guitar, where there is no movement of the performer playing it at the beginning when the music is playing; so maybe cut the beginning of that clip so that the performer is consistently playing it.

– Girl running away – the colour changes in the clip of the slow-motion run so make sure to apply the same attributes to both clips.

– Clips at the end need stabilising.


We will try to address most of these issues in the future draft of our music video. We will mainly focus on stabilising clips and making sure that things are in time with the song.

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