Tour Poster Analysis

Tour posters are used to attract peoples attention. They usually do this by using bright colours, which is all that people usually read into the poster. But there is so much more to it that people can analyse. For example, people can read into what sort of emotion the person/group is trying to portray with their body language. If someone is being quite playfull with their body language, then you can assume that they are a fun, informal group/induvidual. Another aspect that you could analyse is the font. If the font is in a really fancy style, then you would usually be led to assume that they are a classicla singer because the font is more formal. I mentioned earlier that people usually are just attracted by bright colours on posters, But you can actually also analyse the colours and why the creator has used them. In my example, the colours are bright (blue and pink) which shows that they are fun and upbeat. If the creator of the poster used colours like black and white, we would work out that they are mo0re downbeat. Black and white could also be associated with older music. the colours blue and pink could also be used to show that the group are inclusive and their target audience isn’t just one specific gender. Blue is uually associated with males and pink is normnally associated with females. That is why we could be led to this conclusion. That might not have been the message that they were trying to put across with those colours but you can read more into the poster than what you first see.

That is the point that I am trying to make. It takes the creator quite of lot of time to create a tour poster and then somebody comes along and looks at it for a few seconds then walks away, or even worse, they just completely ignore it. If people just read a bit more into the poster, then they can probably assume what the group or induvidual are like and what sort of music they make without just going away and searching them up on the internet.

For my magazine, I will need to consider all of these aspects too: target audience, colours, Font, Body language and clothing. These aspects will make people know what type of music I am trying to advertise and what they group are like. I am looking forward to seeing what it is like to create a music magazine, but I need to cinsider a lot of thiongs, so it may not be as simple as people first think.

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