An Introduction to InDesign and My Magazine ‘Swede’

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To produce a music magazine, you need to know your way around computer aided design (CAD). In this task, I was using Adobe InDesign to experiment with the varuious features that it offers. This is because InDesign is the program that we will eventually use to create our music magazine. To experiment with InDesign’s features, I was given a music magazine to try and recreate, to try and undersdtand what each feture does. I had to try and find the best fonts and typefaces to match with the original magazine and I also had to make sure that I sized the image correctly with the right proportions. We were given an image for the background of the cover (in this case, it was the persons face) and then we had to add all of the other elements on top of it.

There were some aspects of designing the magazine were more difficult than the others. For example, one of the more challenging things to do was trying to find the right font to match the cover of the real magazine. The pugs were also challenging, because the circles have a spiky pattern around the outside of them on the actual magazine. The closest I could get was the “white diamond” border pattern. This made the spiky pattern around the outside, but the spikes were not filled in with this pattern, whereas they were on the original. In future, I need to mkae sure that text that is all in a column is line up. In the magazine cover that I have done, the text does not line up down the right hand side of the page.

I enjoyed this task and it has made mne realise how muchwork goes into creating a magazine cover. will need to use and develop these skills on InDesign in order to create my own magazine cover.

Here are some Youtube tutorials on things that would have helped me when I was creating the magazine cover. These tutorials would have helped me because these are things that i really struggled with when creating the magazine. Distrivbuting the shapes tutorial would have helped me with the spiky border problem for the pugs.

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