Final Pitch to Teacher

In the final pitch to our teacher about our ideas for our music video, we had a long conversation about what would work and what wouldn’t. We had to tell the teacher our narrative and where we were planning on filming the different scenes. We had to think carefully about our performance and the people that we would use. We also had to think about what type of narrative we are going to be using. Our narrative is about someone who is diagnosed with a life threatening illness and he relives the best moments from his life in his final moments.


  • Our idea is doable and realistic
  • We have locations in mind that our teacher approves of 
  • Good costumes
  • Narrative is simple and easy to understand/execute
  • We have thought about everything carefully
  • We are aware of the camera angles that will work well



  • Need to think about who will be in the performance 
  • Make sure everyone is credited for everything 
  • Think about how busy the location shoots will be 
  • We have to execute the shorts well so they are not boring
  • Find actors that connote our narrative
  • Use MES carefully in every scene 

Permission From Artist

When creating a music video, it is important that you get permission from the artist so that you can use their song. This is so that you are not using their song unfairly. Our group decided to message American Authors on Instagram, we chose this platform as it is a popular social media site in the modern age so we thought they might be more likely to use it.

Perfect Production Group

Every group that creates a music video needs to establish who is going to do what in that group. This is why we have signed a group agreement so we all know exactly what we are doing. We know each others strengths and weaknesses and we are sharing the workload out equally between the three of us. For example, I am more familiar with the camera/filming side of the video than my two group members so I will be doing the majority of that. Whereas, I am not as good at editing or acting so my group will help with those aspects of the video.

Final Song Choice

One of the two main parts of a music video is the song that you are using. The song has to fit in with the narrative that you have chosen. We chose this song because it is upbeat and happy, this fits in with our narrative which is about someone who is diagnosed with a life threatening illness and he relives the best parts of his life in his final moments.

Our idea can work with a lot of thought and panning about each induvidual scene. We need to think about the different shots that we want to use and the people that we will use for the performance. Mise en Scen is also important to think about for each scene.

Narrative Overview

Before you make a music video, you need to be able to understand what the different types of narrative. That is why I have watched and analysed the narratives of 3 different music videos. I have discovered that most music videos do have a narrative and there aren’t many that use a performance in the video because this can make it hard to follow the story. I also prefer the narrative based videos which helps for when I come ot make my music video. Two out of the three music videos that I have used have an amplified narrative. This is because the video fits in with the lyrics to the song, but it doesn’t fully play out the exact same story. The first video has a disjunctive narrative and includes a performance, which makes it very hard to follow.

We Are Young – Fun

The narrative content in this video is disjunctive because the song has nothing to do with what is happening in the video. In the song they are singing about being young and the music video shows a big fight while they are performing so it is quite hard to understand and follow.

This music video is a combination of a performance and a narrative. This means that the video is a bit confusing to follow, it shows a band performing as chaos happens around them. There is not much context given behind all the people fighting which makes is hard to watch this video and understand what is going on. The ending shows the woman who started the fight, and a few of the other participants walking away from the building. the woman has a smile on her face throughout the fight scene, including when she starts the fight which tells us that she enjoys it for some reason. But the video remains hard to follow because of its disjunctive narrative.

Dangerous – David Guetta

I think this music video has an amplified narrative because the song is about something being dangerous and the video shows a car race, these races can be dangerous so it fits with the song.

The video for this song is entirely narrative based. This means that it is easy to understand what is going on in the video. The video shows two longstanding enemies that are also fierce rivals in a race with each other. The ending shows a big party after one of the drivers has been crowned winner. This party scene leads the video to a more disjunctive narrative as a party doesn’t really fit in with the lyrics of the song which are about a dangerous activity.

The Nights – Avicii

This music video has an amplified narrative. The song is about someone making the most of their life and enjoying it instead of wasting time doing things that he didn’t want to do. This video is entirely narrative based as their is no performance in the video.

It is easier to understand what is going on in the music video because the video goes with the lyrics of the song. The video shows a someone enjoying themselves in the sunny weather. Some scenes show them with their friends and some scenes show the person by themselves.

Narrative Sequence

When filming a video, you need to be thinking about many things at the same time. For example: lighting, background, angle and sound. In our video, the lighting was good in most of the scenes, but there was one where the lighting was worse, this is the same shot where there was a bunch of other peoples coats on the hooks in the background. In the part of the video where I am putting the coat on, the camera angle jumps around and breaks the 180 degree rule. In future, I will make sure that thge camera is straight, that it doesn’t jump around and also I will make sure that the lighting is good.