Digipack Draft 1

Digipack Draft 1

This is Draft 1 of our Digipack:


In this first draft we have implemented a rough idea for our front and back panes on the case. We used a serif font for the band name to separate ourselves from the majority of artists within our chosen genre, such as Alice in Chains, Pearl Jam and Soundgarden who all use sans serif fonts and aline ourselves, stylisticly, with a band like Nirvana. The abstract image of the schoolbus within the hand connotes a control of the education system by some omniscient overseer who, represented through the dark clothing and background, is implied to be some sort of antagonistic force to the philosophy found within grunge music. Furthermore, the back pane of the report card provides not only a way of keeping the tracklist within the theme of the album (school) but also provides some additional narrative to our music video by reinforcing the bad track-record of the student in his school life.

What we will change:

In future drafts we plan on rearranging the background for the front pane as it is not aligned properly and is off centre, throwing off the focus of the viewer. We will also add the proper copyright info, barcode and advisory warnings to create some verisimilitude. Furthermore, we will implement designs for our inside panes in draft 2. We also plan on changing not only the name of the album but also the font, colour and giving it a box to make it stand out. Our current ideas for this change consist of changing the font to something more akin to a hand written font, as such it will be sans serif which perfectly reflects and encapsulstes the genre as a whole, seen in albums such as ‘Facelift’, ‘In Utero’ and ‘Core’.

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