Front Cover Designs


I researched a 10 unique front covers that caught my eye, I like how each one is distinctive and bold.

My top 3 consists of;

  • BAZAAR- This is because the actual front cover model is very defined and dark and then there’s a pop of colour across her eyes and a few titles. This really attract an audience because it is a bold pink that catches they eye.
  • Wallpaper- This is because I like how the front cover consists of 3 different photos of the model but there presented in different angles of her face. This really adds to the uniqueness of the cover therefore making it stand out.
  • PULP- This is because the paint splatter affect really adds a pop of colour making the front cover stand out from others. It contrasts really well with the model and she is in black and white and is wearing a dark plain top. I like how the paint splatter and masthead match in colours, design and effect.


By looking at other unique front covers it has now inspired me to recreate a similar vibe in my magazine so it results in my magazine being distinctive and standing out from other magazines.

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