Narrative Sequence


Above is the final outcome and the story board to my narrative sequence. Using a story board as a way of planning made it easier to film and produce our end product, this is because we had everything we needed to do written down therefore little mistakes were made. This task is important to show how every video no matter how short it is needs a plan.

When planning we made sure to add a variety of shots to exaggerate a simple story of making a cup of tea. The different camera angles gave different types of visions allowing the audience to stay engaged whilst watching.

In our final video we included cut to close up shots like the close up of the milk pouring, this makes a simple video more interesting. By using a range of different shots in pour final piece it helped convey a boring simple task of making a cup of tea more entertaining and visually pleasing.

We were unsure of whether to include music in our final piece but decided against it as we thought it is more effective with the diegetic sounds to make it more realistic.


Focusing forward I now know how important it is to plan beforehand to stay organized. The task has allowed me to realize the importance to have a variety of shots to keep the audience engaged.

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