Conventional Shots And Narratives For My Genre

Made with Padlet



To ensure I understood the conventions and aspects of the genre, EDM I created a padlet using different EDM songs that are similar to the song I am using for my music video.

By looking through different music videos it has allowed me to identify the different shots used to create the narrative and support the genre. It has also allowed me to figure out the repertoire of elements that are used throughout the genre EDM. There were a wide range of cinematography shots which helped engage and attract views. Doing this task has also introduced and educated me to new camera angles that fit with the genre of EDM, so know I can take this information and include it in my music video.

The typical narrative conventions to EDM music videos include a deep story about past relationships of love or family for example the dark lighting and basic setup at the start of Cat Burns ‘Go’ which is another EDM song, suggests that the song isn’t going to be based on a happy storyline. The background of this star image is portrayed through performance and different camera angles and MES to address to the audience that it is a meaningful song. Therefore the narrative we have chosen as a group is fitting for the genre as the love she has for her mother is still there but she can’t do anything about it. There are also very unique shots included in EDM music videos that have a purpose of making the video stand out to others, we are hoping to include a scene that is unique to our narrative so that it gains a large amount of viewers. Our narrative will be supported well if we use these camera shots as they will emphasise the symbolic emotions the model is feeling.


By making a padlet it has allowed me to deconstruct music videos fitting with my genre to further help me finalise my music video choices. It has also given me a more open mindset with choosing a camera angle, this will help me produce a conventional video for my final piece.


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