Final Pitch

My group combined all of our ideas and came out with a final song choice and narrative that we all agree to.
We agreed to the song ‘Low Down’ by Venbee as it fits perfectly with the narrative and performance scenes we chose.
The presentation above gives a brief idea of what we are looking to include in our video to make sure it is an attractive and conventional video.


We performed our final pitch idea to Mrs to gather some feedback on what we could improve on for our music video.


  • There is a positive affirmation and a sense of support being opposed in the narrative
  • Model already knows the lyrics
  • LED lighting is effective
  • Scenes link with lyrics to emphasise the narrative

targets we need to consider:

  • As performance and narrative are merged together we have to ensure we are very organised
  • Don’t always do the studio shot at a mid angle make sure to do different angles-high and low angles
  • Have the model singing off and into the camera
  • Make a clear narrative with the mother(think practically)- have her arm leaving Megans shoulder to begin with then have her arm going back onto Megans shoulder at the end
  • Use references to her sadness and disappointment in a stylist way


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