Video Narrative Photo Board/Shot list


Above is the narrative photo board for my music video. Creating this gave me different ideas for shots to include in my music video which give the correct narrative sense for my genre. The different shots need to be filmed to the edit so that it fits with the suspense in the music and the narrative theme of scared and lost. I chose a variety of shots so that in post production it will be easy to sequence them together to create a narrative structure.

The variety of shots will help convey the models reaction shots and important details to portray the narrative. By planning out the shots I would like to include it will result in less chance of me making mistakes therefore I can produce good footage for my music video.


This has informed me on the variety of shots I can use for different scenes therefore allowing me to convey the narrative theme. It will also help me stay efficient and organised whilst on shoot as I have a set plan of what shots I want where.

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