Timeline And Marketing Ideas


Above is a rough idea of a timeline of marketing campaign ideas I could include in my Social Media Page, however the structure and aesthetic may change as I go along as I may find something looks better whilst producing the page. To create a successful Social Media Page it is important to follow AIDA (attractive, interest, desire and a call to action) so that the target audience is satisfied and would want to interact and follow the page. To engage your target audience you want to use viral or guerrilla marketing to increase the social interaction and excitement within your social media page, I have included viral marketing by uploading my music video on YouTube therefore it has the possibilities of getting shared onto other platforms like Facebook and TikTok. To promote my social media page I will include a giveaway that requests fans to share and like my post for a chance to be entered in the giveaway, this therefore increases the profile visits and generates new followers.Throughout my Instagram bio I will make sure to keep it up to date with new information about upcoming teasers as this is one of the first conventions the audience will see when they come across my page.


This timeline allows me to stay up to date with my social media page and manage it efficiently so that I can successfully convey my star, their star image and the genre EDM.

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