Digipak Draft Three

Below is a printed version of my Digipak, by printing it off it has allowed me to visually see the actual product and whether it fit my genre or not.


  • Changed the writing position on the spines to read properly and inserted the artists name
  • Aligned the songs on the back
  • Remove the echoed faces as its confusing to the audience
  • Made Lilsy more clearer on the front page
  • Added an image with one of the faces eyes open on the back page
  • Added a trance effect on the inside right to go with the inside left
  • Changed the black background on the front, inside right and back page to a cloud effect to make it less harsh

Having it printed allowed me to see the conventional aspects and how alluring my Digipak includes. The neon lights are conventional to the EDM genre therefore the representation of the lights makes it evident its this genre. I have realised that the template of my Digipak isn’t accurate as the printed version of my Digipak doesn’t fit in correctly, so this will be something to improve on.

Then I created a survey amongst 30 people asking them what genre they think it is within 7 genre options. This gave me critical feedback so I can see wether my Digipak addresses the correct target audience I want it to reach.  With the feedback received the majority of votes voted for my genre, EDM therefore it reached the preferred reading needed.


By seeing a physical version of my Digipak, it allowed me to identify the appealing factors it includes and what needs to be improved. Gathering data from peers on what genre they think it is helps me understand if my branding correctly conveys my genre.

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