Star Image


Above we made a moodboard for an artist that relates to our music video.We were meant to do it based on our songs artist who is Venbee however because she is a small artist we couldn’t gather much data on her so decided to use a different artist, BRU-C, who produces similar music.This worked in our favour as we were able to understand the genre a bit more through the artists eyes and create an stronger image on how the star is portrayed in the media.

Stars are represented as a metanarrative and this is how will will present our star. I want our star to be seen as emotional, drained with a bit of anger as she is distraught with her mother for leaving her which also gets her into a depressive state. Although this goes against our research of BRU-C I feel it would be more effective for our narrative if our star was portrayed as that through the cinematography. We will achieve this through her facial expressions and body language and through her clothing when we record her sad. In this scene she will be in black clothing as it connotes a dark patch in her life.

For the digital and social media page, I like the idea of having it as a support for people who are going through the same issue and to promote that life will get better. Therefore I want my star to be noticed as approachable and considerate which will hopefully attract a large audience that like her as many people hide from their problems but by having a social media page they may feel comfortable to interact even if its anonymously.

It is important to include integrated advertising so that the star image become coherent over all 3 products to make sure the audience don’t become confused.

For example;

  • Magazine
  • Social Media Page
  • TV advert


Making this Canva, it has allowed us as a group to see how important the star is and how we would need to establish our star image in our video and make them really stand out.It has helped me gather better ideas for my music video and it has allowed me to identify how important the star is.

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