September 21

Hello Media Studies

Organisation & Time Management Skills/Technologies:

  • I am able to use my study time wisely and get all/most of my work done on time.
  • I use a digital timetable to keep track of set deadlines.
  • I need to learn how to balance out my work for each subject.

Research & Planning Skills/Technologies:

  • When researching online I use multiple sources to ensure that everything is factually correct.
  • When researching I discover loads of new things which keeps me interested and motivated.
  • When it comes to planning that’s one of my weaker areas as I am not always able to think of a flawless plan, I hope this is a skill I can acquire over the next few months.

Creative Skills/Technologies:

  • I have creative ideas when it comes to designing digital products.
  • However I hope I can learn new ways to execute those ideas over the coming months.

Transferable Skills/Technologies:

  • I enjoy creating presentations because it allows me to show others how I learn.
  • I keep my writing shorter so it is easier to learn and remember the information needed, I often include photos and videos as well.
  • Presenting these presentations is what lets me down because I’m not good with crowds, I hope to gain the necessary confidence in order to present in front of crowds with ease.

Posted 21st September 2020 by lewisnorman in category Component 1, Creative Critical Reflection 1

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