Our Mission Statement – The Package Brand

To begin planning our strategy for our digipak and social media pages, we created a marketing strategy and a mission statement to understand our artists star image and brand. This allowed us to look at the package as a whole and recognise our target audience.

We began understanding the demographics and psychographics of our target audience – this will allow us to curate content that would appeal to them and sell the star image. We then looked at how we could get our audience to interact with the music and content, creating a call to action. This was important as it will tell our audience what to do and how they can connect with the brand and star through things such as merchandise and brand collaborations. To understand what artists are already doing within our genre, we analysed their album covers and social media pages. This allowed us to highlight key conventions across the genre and how the audience reacts to these stars. We also identified our unique selling point and mission statement to gain a true understanding of our star image and brand.

Focus Forward

By undertaking this task, we are able to begin planning our digipak so that it appeals to our target audience. This marketing strategy is important as it allows us to identify the different ways in which we plan to interact with our audience. Our mission statement allows us to have a key focus, which will be useful to refer to when curating different social media posts to ensure our star images’ messages are perceived correctly.

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