KEY TERMS: narrative, performance, amplified, illustrative, disjunctive, star image, edit to the beat, lip sync, MES, locations, anachronic, linear, montage.

Using a slideshare and having listened to several songs, choose one that you have a ‘vision’ for.

  • Embed the MP3/or Embed the lyric video – but not the actual video with the star performing
  • Complete a word cloud with @ 20 descriptive words, adjectives, adverbs, nouns that come to mind when you listen to the song (use the synesthetic approach)
          • Complete a brief slide description of the narrative
        • MES – costumes, locations, make up etc ?
        • Narrative type – amplified, illustrative, disjunctive,
        • Narrative structure – anachronic, linear, montage
          • Complete a brief slide description of the performance
        • MES – costumes, location, make up etc

Once this is complete you will find out who is in your group and you will pitch your own idea to each other and then choose one to carry on and complete a really full, detailed pitch that you will present to your teacher.


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