The Easter Holidays have always been traditionally the holidays, that Year 13’s don’t really get – it has always been one to dedicate to revision.

On your return you will be doing TAGS in Postmodern Media and Media Regulation.

Both 15 mark questions that you will have 30 mins to complete each one.

We aim to run these in the following lessons before break that week, so that if you get extra time, you can run over.

  • Tuesday P2 – 13B
  • Wednesday P2 – 13C
  • Thursday P2 – 13A

All the revision resources you need are in classroom but use the Blog as well for reference. 

Postmodern Media question:  You will need to revise 2 areas. There will be only 1 POMO question on the paper.

The question will be either a) a general one on defining Postmodern Media or b) one that focuses on Audience/Text relationships.

Media Regulation:  You will need to revise 2 areas. There will be only 1 MR question on the paper.

The question will be either a) arguments for and against Media Regulation or b) Impact of Technology on Media Regulation.

We will resume Media Ecology as soon as we can in that first week back, so that we can complete the course within 10 days of returning.

We will then focus on revision for the first actual exam –  Component 1 – TV Drama and Music Industry on the 18th May.

We have organised it all and as long as you do what we advise you to do at the set times, then your revision will be sorted and doable. Choose to ignore the advice and it could tumbleweed out of control.

Good luck.

Mrs C and Mr G


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