The first part of Media Ecology explored social media as an evolving media environment.

We explored the benefits and harms that social media has bought about and how it has become, ‘An ‘extension of humankind.’ McLuhan.

Next we are going to look at other concepts / ideas within Media Ecology, however you should remember that all the work from part 1 (Social Media) is still relevant and useful in answering other areas.

It is important to note that this is a synoptic unit and as such this mean you can draw on your knowledge and understanding of media from throughout the course as well as in relation to your own media consumption.

Research Projects

Over the next week two weeks, you are going to be completing research projects on different critical perspective with in the Media Ecology. At the end,  you will be leading the class through your area and running a Question and Answer session on your findings.

Each of the sections we’ll be looking at responds to a different aspect from the specifications.

Please remember that the work we have already done is highly relevant and as such you should feel free to draw on theories and ideas we have already explored.


  1. Whole class discussion on the focus area, mind map and decide on 3-5 key ideas and/or case studies which should be central to the essay.
  2. Pairs are allocated a focus area to develop either an essay plan or a slideshow for.
  3. Presentations. In your pairs you will be required to present your plan or slideshow to the whole class and also lead a question and answer session.
  4. Share your materials with your teacher so the plans / slideshows can be compiled into one revision resource for ecology

Presentation and Areas of Study

You can view the slideshow (in edit view) here.

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