TAGS are now cancelled but we will still be expecting you to prepare and plan an Ecology essay that will be written in class in your lesson on Tuesday (13B and 13C) or Wednesday (13A) next week.

The following questions have been allocated to different classes so that we can choose 3 exemplars to share before before the real exam.  You can take your planning and ideas into the lesson and refer to them and also type if up if you would prefer.

Refer to the blog post that has some ideas already loaded from students who have planned these essays.

The question you will answer will be one of these three:

  1. 13A;  How has the reception of media changed for audiences as a result of advances in hardware and software? You should refer to at least two media forms in your answer.
  2. 13B;  “The media evolves according to the needs of its audiences.” To what extent do you agree with this statement? You should refer to at least two media forms in your answer.
  3. 13C:  ‘Media consumers perceive new media differently to traditional media.’ To what extent do you agree with this statement? You should refer to at least two media forms in your answer.

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