Every picture tells a story

Just as MES can be used to convey a mood, represent a character, convey a genre or help tell a story, CAMERA too can be used to create meaning in a media text. Here is a glossary of camera terms you will need to learn and know. How many different types of camera angle, framing,Continue reading Every picture tells a story

Textual Analysis – Downton Abbey

Your Textual Analysis Essay. Please  see the classroom post for instructions and resources. Each TEAS should contain the following: A well described example (EXAMPLE) from the text, which uses media terminology (CLAMPS – TERM) to identify it. An analytical connective (see examples below – REPRESENTS, PORTRAYS, ENCODES, SUGGESTS ETC). Interesting and varied adjectives which describe the ideas (connotations) being communicated to the audience. THE ANALYSIS/SIGNIFICANCE TOContinue reading Textual Analysis – Downton Abbey

Print Media that communicates meaning – Tour Poster Analysis

KEY TERMS CONNOTATIONS, DENOTATIONS, REPRESENT, SIGNIFY, CONNOTE, AN IMAGE AND AN IDEA, DECODE, DECONSTRUCT, Remember, what is it ‘saying’?  The denotations (things) all have connotations (meanings).  Use terms like these in your introduction to the post along with decoding, deconstructing, signs, symbols etc to show that you are getting to grips with how to analyseContinue reading Print Media that communicates meaning – Tour Poster Analysis