2 The Media – an extension of humanity.

Key Learning: ‘In what ways is the media an extension of ourselves?’ `We become what we behold. We shape our tools and thereafter our tools shape us.’ McLuhan To understand this, is to understand much of Media Ecology! A Recap and an New Concept The Lenses of Media Studies (we have used during the course)Continue reading 2 The Media – an extension of humanity.

1 A Media Ecology

Key Learning: Understand the interconnected elements in the media ecology. “Media Ecology is the study of media as environments” Postman Essay Title: “Analyse the significance of a particular technological development in the media.” An essay template has been created for you in Classroom. We will be completing paragraphs of that essay as we progress throughContinue reading 1 A Media Ecology

Remember: The Big Ideas: Nothing new, nothing true and nothing certain

So how do you link the Big Ideas – NOTHING NEW, NOTHING TRUE AND NOTHING CERTAIN to the ‘trickier’ concepts of how Postmodern media: Challenges the audience/text relationship Plays with the Conventions of Representation/Manipulates Time and Space Audience/Text: Nothing is new, nothing is true, nothing is certain. Intertextuality (pastiche/parody) – if you don’t get theContinue reading Remember: The Big Ideas: Nothing new, nothing true and nothing certain

9 – TV Text – What we do in the Shadows

What We Do In The Shadows. S1 E1&2 (2019) Waititi & Simms Postmodern Overview A parody on vampire horror movies and the cliched representations from pop culture. An intertextual bricolage of documentary & vampire horror conventions A mixture of the fantastic and the mundane Demolishes the grand narratives surrounding: Aristocratic Monsters The banality of 21stContinue reading 9 – TV Text – What we do in the Shadows