Magazine Draft Feedback

1-1 Feedback

You will receive a 1-1 feedback on your magazine from your teacher. This will be presented and shared with you as a Screencastify.

  1. You should listen through that feedback carefully and summarize the key points they made
  2. You should then identify 3-5 targets for your final draft, which is due next Friday 28th January.

You should embed that video underneath your draft 3 magazine and the summary and targets beneath that.

Embedding Instructions

You can embed it by opening the video in a new window, by using the three dots in the right hand top corner and then use the dots again to find ‘Embed Item…’. This will give you the code you need to embed the video into your blog.

Your teacher will have to ensure that the sharing permissions are set so that it will be viewable by the examiner if necessary.

General Feedback

To avoid your teachers having to repeat themselves at the beginning of every piece of feedback and to ensure nothing is missed, we have created a checklist of ‘Rookie Errors’ that students have made in the past and also a list of conventional (expected) design features.

That list is explained you you below (in an embedded Screencastify)

Final Draft Checklist (read only) (Please make a copy for yourself to work from).

Magazine Final Draft Checklist

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