Text 1: Pride & Breadjudice (2018) Warburtons

A postmodern advert that  evidences various aspects of Postmodern media in terms of style and content.

It includes examples which can be applied to our three theorists’ ideas:


  • Intertextuality
    • Pastiche
    • Parody
  • Self Reflexivity


  • Simulacra (An image with no original)


  • Parody of the grand romantic narrative

See if you can spot the clear elements of its style, form and content that would enable it to be classified as postmodern.

Advertising often relies on that ‘cultural competence’ required for audiences to identify with the intertextuality.

It means that audiences can ‘relate’ to and ‘feel involved’ in the ‘in joke’ and therefore feel personally warm towards the brand.

How could you apply the following overarching definitions of postmodern media to this text?

Use the template in classroom to note down your ideas:

  • Plays with time and space – HOW? (historical eras blurred, references Ghost, parody of Pride and Prejudice/hip hop dancing/anachronic narrative/key quotation – Garlic Bread) – Jameson
  • Challenges the usual ‘audience/text’ relationship – HOW? (comedian playing himself playing a character/see the cameramen/catch him out of character/ad libs/consumer culture is dressed up as entertainment), expected to recognise the media language and be culturally competent- Jameson and Baudrillard
  • Tinkers with the conventions of representation – HOW? (comedy representation of a serious period drama) – Lyotard
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