Digipak Photo Mock up and Feedback


You need to create a digital ‘PHOTO MOCK UP‘.

For this exercise you can borrow images.

It is this version that will need feedback.

Exemplars here and here.

  • Place the BORROWED photos in a clear CD cover and take photos of how it looks.
  • Then create a tally chart – list @ 6 possible music genres (including your one) and ask @ 20 students what genre they immediately see, sense, read when looking at the digipak.
  • Reflect on the results. Are you on the right track? Have you got the right style, fonts, images to convey the star image and genre?
  • Have a selection of adjectives, responses that you are hoping that the audience will pick when decoding the DP prototype and add in some that you don’t want them to read into it. then get them to circle 5 or so. If their responses are right, then you are on the right track – if not, then you will have to redesign.
  • If so, you now need to get out and start making the actual DP.

We will be moving on to Production Meeting Agendas, Risk Assessment and first shoots very shortly so make sure you have caught up on all your posts.

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