Question 4: How did you integrate technologies (software, hardware and online) in this project?



Chosen Adverts

I have chosen two suitable adverts to implement within my magazine as I feel as if music listening platforms and clothing are relatable topics for indie/alternative listeners and they match my audience demographics and psychographics. Also, they are simple and don’t include much text which complements the theme of my magazine.

For the first advert for the second page of my magazine, I have chosen a shoe advert by Nike. This is because listeners of indie/alternative music often associate with fashion and street clothing therefore they will connect with the advert and might even want to buy the shoe which is being advertised. Nike is also a popular shoe brand and it is easily recognized within society so if a Nike advert is mentioned in my magazine, the audience will be able to recognize that my magazine must be good and interesting as one of the largest shoe brands have decided to chose this magazine to advertise their shoes.

For the second advert for the back page of my magazine, I have chosen a Spotify advert. Not only is it incredibly simple, a big logo and easy to read, but it will give the audience a chance to download the app and listen to the music that is mentioned within my magazine. What is the point in creating a music magazine when the audience won’t have anywhere to listen to the music without having to pay?

Complete Magazine Draft 3

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Things that miss likes:

  • good plugs

Things that needs to be changed/added:

  • align purple plugs to the top of the page
  • add more features
  • add a larger price
  • more coverlines in white
  • change the 10 & stars to white

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Things that miss likes:

  • page number
  • larger and different font for important headlines

Things that needs to be changed/added:

  • page numbers at the top should correspond to the main headlines
  • add one coverline for both of the pictures of the model
  • make some page numbers white
  • make some more words larger/upper case


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Things that miss likes:

  • sound waves
  • logo at the top
  • space
  • middle of the page design

Things that needs to be changed/added:

  • add a by line
  • make the page number more clear

Screen castify feedback


2nd Draft of DPS

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In this draft of my double page spread, I replaced the Ipsum-Lorem text with my own article. My article is quite long so it replaced the empty space in the page. I aligned the text and added a drop capital. Also, I added drop shadow which creates more of an eye-catching headline, considering aida, which my audience will be attracted to.

In my next draft, I will add some audio lines so the music theme is carried on. I will move the quotation onto the left page so it opens up more space on the other page which makes it look less crowded and I need to make the article appear more tidy.

2nd Draft of Contents Page

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In this draft I have completely changed the format for the headlines and changed the font, creating a more clean design. The change in the font from a serif font to a sans-serif font also fits in more with the other fonts in the magazine. I also added drop shadow on the ‘contents’ title which creates a more bold effect and entices the reader. In addition, I changed the location of the page number from the left side to the right (correcting a mistake) and added more audio lines. I replaced stock images of music artists with my own images.

For my next draft, I will need to make more changes to create a more effective contents page. To achieve this, I am going to add drop shadow to the ‘floating in the clouds’ text. I also need to make the page numbers and headlines more straight and tidier. Also, I need to make the headlines and page numbers larger so they stand out to the audience more.

2nd Draft of Front Page

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For my second draft of the front cover, I arranged the cover line and lined the text up which makes it look more tidy which will appeal to the audience. I also added another cover line which advertises that the magazine is based on the indie/alternative genre so it will attract the right people. I removed the ‘no cheese no smile’ cover line because it didn’t fit in properly in the lower section of the front cover. In addition, I added a barcode with the price on it as the barcode is a key convention to a front cover of a magazine.

This is a satisfactory front cover, however I need to make it stand out more. In order to do this, I am going to add drop shadow to more of the text and move the artist feature cover line.

1st Draft of The Double Page Spread


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For my double page spread, I have kept with the same style as the other pages in my magazine but used a different colour scheme again, this time with a red theme to accentuate the word explosive as the word ‘explosive’ and the red colours both connote fire which is bright and eye-catching, like what the outfit is supposed to be defined as. Also, the colour scheme matches the colour of the outfit on the model. My model is looking down at the clothes he is wearing which is meant to direct the eyes of the audience to his clothes, which is what the made up music artist is meant to be advertising. For the other side of the page, where the text is, I have chosen to use a spacious approach with a gap of empty space so the text can be at the bottom of the page. I have used a sans-serif font which makes the text look more modern and clean.

For my next draft, I am going to add drop shadow to the title to make it more bold and to attract attention from the audience. I am also going to add my own article and rearrange the text so it becomes easier to read.

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