Language Analysis


This is a Q&A article released in 2017 called Cash For Question interviewing band ALT-J. The interview is written by Paul Stokes and Photography from Adam Lawrence and features the band answering questions asked by the journalist and the public.

(click on image to see bigger)

Structure of the Article

The article starts with a paragraph about the band and introduces them. It mentions where they met – “Having met at Leeds University, the trio have over three albums”. The intro also mentions what their music consists of and mentions famous artists such as Miley Cyrus – “A shape-shifting hybrid of indie, folk and electronica that takes in both Miley Cyrus samples”. Near the end of the intro it also adds some dialogue from the band itself talking about their nerdy image – “I know being photographed in a library isn’t a good place to play down our bookish image,” jokes singer and keyboard player Gus Unger-Hamilton”. After the introduction the journalist starts the Q&A with the band, writing the questions in bold and answers in lowercase with then initials of which member of the band answered placed before the answer. There is no official outro for the article with it ending with a last question and then on the next page of the double page spread a photo of the band and a singular quote in large from one of the band members – “We played Kendal Calling and they mistakenly listed us as ‘The Triangle Band’”. The colour scheme for the article is mainly black, white and red; white as the background, main text in black and certain texts in red.

Presence of the Journalists

The journalist is barely mentioned in the article with it mainly just being dialogue from the band members of them answering questions. There is a slight presence of the journalist before every answer to questions as it is him asking the questions however apart from this and the journalists name in the header of the article name they are barely mentioned. This sort of technique when writing an article could be used to give the reader a more relatable and personal connection to the artist/star making them feel more involved with the magazine.

Sense of Location, Event, Person Being Interviewed

Although ALT-J’s success is highlighted in the article – “2012’s Mercury Prize-winning An Awesome Wave, 2014’s chart topping This Is All Yours and this year’s Relaxer” the band are portrayed as ordinary, down to earth people which again, could help the magazine when trying to make the readers feel connected to the artists/star. There is no negative, hard hitting subjects involved or asked in the Q&A which is good for the band and the magazine as it portrays the band as happy, positive people which will remind the readers of a positive feeling when hearing about the magazine or reading a future article.


Overall this is a good article. The star (ALT-J) are represented in a joyous way making the reader match the positive emotions. The journalist is rarely mentioned or interrupting the stars dialogue giving the readers of the magazine a closer connection and personal feel to the artist/star.

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