2nd Draft of Contents Page

This is my second draft of my contents page. I have made changes by adding jazz graphics at the bottom of the page, I have also cut out the model in order to place her on the contents page and add a coloured background. To improve my contents page I think I need to add a bigger variety of colours to the colour scheme as at the moment it is quite muted and dull mainly just using black, red and a pastel yellow. I also need to edit the model more on photo shop as you can tell she has been cute out and I need to edit things such as blemishes and brighten her eyes. I will also add effects to the text to make it look more noticeable to the reader.

(click on image to see bigger)

My Targets:

  1. Add more effects to text.
  2. Photoshop the model more and add effects to her face.
  3. Add more colours to the page – less reds and yellows.
  4. Possibly try a different layout.
  5. Try different fonts to fit the genre better.
  6. typos and punctuation and grammar check
  7. less on fashion and more on music/jazz in terms of coverlines
  8. Cover stories as a sub heading?  Why not regulars, indepth, features?
  9. Find the jazz colour palette and the fonts from that era to add that vintage zing.

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