2nd Draft of DPS

This is my second draft for my double page spread. After doing my location shoot and making a first draft for my double page spread, I looked back at my targets and edited what needed to be changed to make my DPS the best it can be.

Things that I have edited are: 

  • the fonts – I used a different range of fonts to add more variety to the pages.
  • I added my article instead of using placeholder text so that there is now relevant and interesting text for the readers to read.
  • Edited the main image on Photoshop.

(click on image to see bigger).

My Targets:

  • quote stands out…perhaps add another one?
  • enlarge the main photo so that Max shirt is off as there is a lot of white and we need more of Izzy and Max face
  • continued needs to be a bit separate so that it doesn’t look like it is part of the copy – different font?
  • caption the inset or do you have one of them in a different costume?
  • leave some space between questions as it is quite crowded
  • could the questions be even larger size?
  • lower case F in From
  • typo article


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