My image that uses mise-en-scene for meaning


The mood board that my group decided to create represents how the indie conventions can vary depending on the context.

Independent music (often referred to as indie music or indie) is music produced independently from commercial record labels or their subsidiaries, a process that may include an autonomous, do-it-yourself approach to recording and publishing.


  • Costume- Indie costumes are very unusual and often scruffy, it could also be considered old fashioned.
  • Lighting- Indie lighting seems to be very harsh and almost a mix between rock and hippy.
  • Acting- Indie people act chill and look as though they live an easy life.
  • Make up- Some indie make up can be very extra and bold but at the same time it could be subtle depending on the context of the music video.
  • Props- A lot of indie conventions use and play guitars  and are often wearing hats.
  • Setting- Indie settings are often represented as a kind of festival vibe.

Conventions are a way in which things are done and people act in a specific genre  these are all of the Indie conventions that we as a group need to think of for our music magazine.

Once my group had encoded Joe into an outfit that we thought was appropriate for our indie style genre, our class decided it and came back with connotations to describe what the outfit made them think of. As you can see, some of the words are old fashioned, chill and alternative. Our class decided Joe’s outfit perfectly because they came up with the same words that our group felt was appropriate to the genre and that we had included in our mood board slide.

These are a selection of the photos that we took in different locations and angles.

We decided that the hat was not indie style and did not go with our genre or our Mise-en-scene. This was a mistake with our costume so for the rest of photos we decided to get rid of the hat. I think that the images that show the whole outfit look better because it allows the audience to engage with my genre.

We decided to take the images in various backgrounds to see which one best suited our genre. The background with the wall allows us to edit in our own picture that goes with our genre, however the tree background gives a relaxed and nature vibe.


My group chose this as our favourite photo because we thought that this image consisted of the best angle and all of the guitar which represents a chilled and relaxed vibe.

MES is very important when making decisions based on images because the lighting and camera angle all have an effect on how the audience interacts with your media.

This will help me when making decisions because I will know that I need to convey the use of MES in my images. I will have to look at the kind of lighting that I use, the camera angle, the body language and the facial expressions in my music magazine. This will allow me to connect with my audience through MES as my image will tell a story.

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