Early mock Ups

This is a draft of my ideas for the layout of my music magazine. This will help me when it comes to designing my magazine because I will have already thought of the ideas and layout that I want my magazine to look like. However, saying that it is only a draft so when it comes to creating my magazine, I will be able to change snippets of the layout if I want to as these are just brief ideas.

I have chosen to put my main cover star in the middle of the front cover because it is the main focus of the front cover and is the thing that people will be looking at most. I have then chosen to add a few pugs into the front cover because if the content on the front cover doesn’t interest the audience enough then the pug is a persuasive technique that may attract a bigger audience.

I then took inspiration from magazines that I read when it came to the contents page because the majority of the magazines that I read has the contents page on the right hand side of the page so I decided to do the same as it is what I like and read myself so it must attract some kind of audience.

When it came to my double page spread, I decided to have the headline on the top of the left page because people may not be able to read it if it goes across two pages. I then also decided to have two columns where the article will go and the image of the cover star will go in the middle of the two columns. This is because when the audience is reading the magazine they will be able to easily glance back at the star while reading so that they engage more. On the right hand side of the double page spread, I decided to have the interview going horizontally along the middle of the page because it will be the main factor of the page and I decided to put another image of the cover star in the top left hand corner and the bottom right hand corner so that the audience have a variety of images of the star while reading about the article. Finally, I decided to put a quote from the interview with the star in the top right hand corner in a big font so that it will attract the audience if they were to just flip through the magazine.

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