Language Analysis

Now that I have completed all 3 pages of my music magazine to the best of my ability, I am able to start thinking about the article that will be on the double page spread. In order to do this article to the best of my ability, I will need to do some research. Below I will be analyzing an article that I have chosen from a select few.

The article that I will be analyzing is; Cash for questions. This month; ALT-J (11th July 2018) Paul Stokes. 

I like the Q&A format of this article because I think that it will attract a younger kind of audience which is exactly what my target audience is so this is the reason that the article initially attracted me. I think that the Q&A format of this article will initially grip the readers because it gives them a chance to delve into the personal lives of the celebrities that the article is about. It begins to connect the audience with the celebrities on a personal level which will attract readers as they will believe that they know more about the celebrity than other people. As well as the article having an influence on the audience, it could also have an influence on future interviewees because they could read the article and the journalists personal touch will also be portrayed. For example, they may either ask an inappropriate question or a funny question and using this kind of format will allow the future interviewees to recognize weather it would be worth giving them information or not.

The journalist seemed very open and honest about the type of questions that she was asking ALT-J and in the article I think her personality came through with the type of questions that she was asking. The journalist has written the article in 1st person and I can tell this because she addresses the band and ‘you’ instead of ‘ALT-J’. The journalist has a sense of ‘keeping tabs’ on ALT-J because in one of her questions shes states that she heard about something that they had done in an interview prior to that one.

The language used in this article is simple and I’m not shocked by this because the audience demographic for the magazine is quite young and young people won’t be able to understand long and hard words. However, the magazine does use strong language such as ‘shitty’ when asked about their nerdy reputation and being naughty in school.

The journalist represents the band as genuine but also a bit cheeky because one of the band members tells us how he used to cheat in school when asked a question. The band are represented as quite modest in the sense that they say that they can often walk through large crowds and not get spotted. The journalist also represents the band as though they have a sense of humour because when asked a question about a previous interview, they responded to this by giving reference to Willy Wonka, which could adhere to some people’s sense of humour.



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