So…How can an image communicate meaning?

An image can communicate meaning through MES because they convey a story to the audience as the prosumer would encode a hidden meaning for the consumer to decode. This is important when producing media because by using MES and you will allow yourself every possibility of your media being the best that it can be.

  • Costume
  • Lighting
  • Acting
  • Make-up/hair
  • Props
  • Setting

Framing is important when creating images because it doesn’t only tell a story but it allows the audience to connect with the cover star though the body language and facial expressions. For example, the image may look more intense if you have used framing than if you just took a regular image.

MES is important when creating images because it is one of the first things a consumer looks at, even if they don’t know that they are. For example, in a fashion magazine the consumer will buy the magazine to look at the outfits and costumes of the cover stars and influencers.

This will influence my decisions when making my music magazine because I will make sure that my setting and costumes go with the genre. I will also ensure that I have the right camera angles and framing. When planning my magazine, I will ensure that I have the right setting in order to portray a prefect story on the front cover of my magazine. This will enable me to capture the perfect moment that the consumers of my magazine will be able to connect with.

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