Category Archives: Component 1

Magazine Draft 3

These are the drafts threes of my three magazine pages. I used photoshop and InDesign to make my drafts look as professional as possible.

Front Cover

What’s new:

  • I changed the brightness of  my image so that it is easier to look at
  • I added the date and price of my magazine
  • I moved the vertical cover line further up
  • I added an additional cover line
  • I included the name of an actual EDM artist
  • I justified my cover lines

What’s next:

  • Change the font of EDM in the cover line
  • Add a question mark on who is Rezz
  • Make the masthead stand out more
  • Change we are to we’re in cover line
  • Raise Izzy EDM queen and add more information

Contents Page

What’s new:

  • I added more graphics
  • I added more colour
  • I made the headline bolder and changed the colour of the end
  • I changed the font of my text to make it look more electric
  • I changed the size and colour of key words in my cover lines to make it pop more
  • I changed proportions of photos

What’s next:

  • Make sure no images are stretched
  • Add more colour in the text
  • Add & instead of and
  • Add more information and twitter and Instagram handles

Double Page Spread

What’s new:

  • I have added my own article
  • I added an additional graphic
  • I changed the font of quotes that I have put next to photos
  • I have included the tour dates in the bottom left hand corner

What’s next:

  • Add a title for tour dates
  • Make sure pages numbers are the same fonts
  • Add strike on headline
  • Add another quote

This screencastify outlines all of my targets for my final draft:


Chosen Adverts

For the inside cover of my magazine I have to include an advert. It is not going to improve my mark but I think it is important to include it so that my magazine can look as professional and aesthetically pleasing as possible.

Advert 1

This is the first ad I chose. I decided to pick an advertisement for a music festival because festivals are a big part of electronic dance music. This festival in particular is famous for its EDM music therefore it would definitely be something that my target market would be interested in. Boomtown is also about spreading positive energy and welcoming everyone to the party which is something that Electra’s brand definitely supports. The ad also uses lots of bright colours and is very bold which is similar to how I have set out and designed my magazine so it wouldn’t stick out at all or look out of place. This would be a very good choice for my advertisement.

Advert 2

I think that Savage x Fenty would be a perfect brand to go inside of my cover because they are one of the most inclusive brands in the world at the moment. The brand welcomes all body types, all skin colours, all cultures, all genders, all ages and a lot more. The lingerie fashion brand also promotes “fearlessness, confidence and inclusivity.” The reason why this would be a very good advertisement is because the things I listed above are all things that my magazine supports as well. My magazine is all about inclusivity, confidence in women and feeling as sexy as possible which is exactly exactly what Savage x Fenty incorporates into their company. I honestly don’t think that there is a more ideal brand out there.

Draft 2 DPS

This is the second draft of my double page spread. I created it on indesign. When editing it I considered my peers reviews and things I could have improved on when I made my first draft.

What is New:

  • I edited my images used slightly
  • I wrote who the article is by and who the photographer was
  • I added page numbers
  • I edited the headline slightly to make it stand out more
  • I changed the colour of the inset
  • I added an additional quote inside of the inset

My Targets:

  • Add my own article
  • When the text is in, make it look more interesting, e.g include colour
  • Caption the inset
  • Possibly include a couple more graphics
  • Change the font of the text and quotes
  • Add a banner in the bottom corner explaining tour dates

Draft 2 Contents Page

This is the second draft of my Contents Page. I also used InDesign to work on this. I tried to listen to my teachers and peers reviews so that I could use them to edit it so that it would be as best as possible.

What is New:

  • I changed the graphics to make them my own
  • I changed the headline so it wasn’t so busy
  • I replaced the insets with my own images
  • I changed fonts to make it less messy and easily readable
  • I made the border around the insets bolder so that it stood out more

My Targets:

  • Add more graphics to make it look more professional
  • Include some other colours
  • Make the headline bolder
  • Add some drop shadow
  • Possibly change font
  • Add more cover lines and change fonts and colours of key words so they stand out more
  • Check proportions of photos

2nd Draft of Front Page

This is the second draft of my front page. I edited it on InDesign and tried to include the feedback that I received from my peers and teacher.

What is New:

  • I changed the fonts to make it bolder
  • I added more cover lines
  • I played with colour to make it more coherent
  • I made the title stronger so that it would stand out more
  • I made the model bigger so that she would fill the page more

My Targets:

  • I need to brighten the image and make her lips brighter
  • I need to include the date and price of the magazine
  • I need to move the vertical cover line so that it fills the purple circle at the top
  • Possibly add in more cover lines
  • I need to include real EDM artist names
  • I need to justify the text

Draft Feature Article

To make my article as good as possible, I decided to make an article Idea development sheet which helped my to consider what I needed to include in my article and how I was going to structure it. This was very helpful.

This my first draft article :

After writing up my first draft I chose to record myself reading my draft 1 article out loud so that I could pick up on any imperfections and find places in which I could improve my article:

After reading my article out loud and listening back to it I have come up with 5 points where I can improve on my article. These are:

  • I need to make sure all of my sentences make sense.
  • I need to develop my conclusion further.
  • I need to talk further about Usher Aika.
  • I need to make sure all of my content is relevant.
  • I should mention that Kora has a tour coming up.

My final article:

In this month’s issue of Electra we will find out from Kora Star and Usher Aika on their newly confirmed relationship. After months of rumours swirling around the press and paparazzi photos snapped of the two of them hanging out together, Kora finally confirmed their whirlwind romance with a post of the two of them locking lips on her instagram page.  


Kora star who recently won a grammy for her EDM accomplishments met Usher Aika, David Guetta’s son, also an up and coming EDM Dj at high school in Calabasas where they immediately hit it off and dated briefly. According to Kora,  “we always had a spark but the timing was never right”. With Kora’s career picking up and Usher Aika wanting to focus on his studies their relationship quickly burned out. Usher continued to work hard and began attending Berkeley College in which he graduated with a degree in music. Afterwards he also decided to go down the route of EDM. However, a chance meeting at a nightclub in Los Angeles is what brought them back together and had them reminiscing on their past. 

Now they are renting out a place together in the heart of Hollywood Hills and loving life. For any normal couple quarantine is very difficult but they seem to be flourishing. Usher stated,  “it was a struggle to adjust to quarantine together at first, but it has definitely brought us closer”. According to Kora their favourite parts have been their daily hikes, binging on Pretty Little Liars and chilling in the hot tub. Usher also gifted her with her dream pooch, a Pomeranian who Kora called Sparkles. Kora stated, “he just knows me so well; we connect on so many things, like my views on feminism, the Black Lives Matter movement and our liberal perspectives, he inspires me to be the best version of myself everyday”. Many people voiced their disapproval when they first got together because of Kora’s renowned drug and party lifestyle, but it definitely seems as though Usher has calmed her down. In fact they seem almost perfect together. 

In Electra’s opinion we believe that Kora and Usher will go very far. As a matter of fact we can even see marriage in the future! Although they’ve only been together for six months they have such a tight knit bond which is very rare to see.

In conclusion we can’t wait to see where their relationship takes them and we are so excited for Kora Star and Usher Aika to continue making waves in the EDM industry. Also watch out because Kora’s new tour “Freedom” is hitting Las Vegas in May and we can’t wait to see what she brings to the table.