Test Shoot

In this task, me and Elliott had a go trying to lip sync. This is good practice for when we shoot our music video as the lip sync is paramount.

The lip sync is important as it is the performance of the star. It is where the star performs where the audience engage with the star the most. This is why its good to nail the lip sync.

This task was very helpful for myself and Elliott. Coming into this we thought the lip sync was quite simple and easy to complete, we were wrong. The timing was quite hard and it took many attempts to be able to complete this but now we have had the experience of lip syncing we will be more prepared for out music video.

Prelim Task – Mood Montage

In this task, I was paired with Leon and we had to create a mood montage. We picked a random mood out of a hat and from there we had to shoot and edit a small montage.

Our mood was secrecy. Here we had to come up with as many ideas as we could. Then we had to turn these ideas into actual shots and perform the montage.


Three Strengths:

  • Good array of shots
  • No shaky camera work ( Stable Shots)
  • Good syncing when editing

Three Weaknesses:

  • We lacked footage so we had to reuse some clips
  • The genre is not very clear
  • Not a very serious feel.


This task was very useful to me for many reasons. First of all I learnt how to use all the features of a dslr camera. This is useful as this is the same camera I will be using in my music video shoot so it is always helpful to understand how to use the equipment. We also used the software premier pro. Although we only grasped the basics it is still useful to familiarize yourself with anything new such as this. Things like this make the task useful as I can transfer these skills when filming my music video.