So… I’m a media prosumer

The uses and gratification theory was proposed by Blumler and Katz. When we choose a form of media it has to fulfil at least  one of the four main points of the theory. These being;

  • Information – To gain understanding about the media, the media may also feed you information.
  • Entertainment – To have fun and enjoy what you’re doing-  whether this be watching a TV show or reading a magazine
  • Personal Identity – Some media we consume shapes us as a person
  • Social interaction – Communicating with others, because you consume similar types of media or learn what other types of media people consume and are interested in.

My media poster is a mixture of media I consume and prosume, blended into one big image. Included in my poster are my favourite music albums, podcasts, Magazines, TV shows, films and youtubers.

All of these types of media that I consume fit into one of the 4 categories of the Uses and Gratification theory. Here are my types of media within their categories.

Using the Blumler and Katz theory that suggests that consumers are a big part in using and producing media.

Entertainment- Consumers get pleasure out of listening/reading/watching.

Social Interaction– Talking with friends and family over a common topic. Eg. a TV show.

Personal Identity– Consumers seek types of media they think will interest them/apply to their lifestyle.

Information– The consumer will gain knowledge from the type of media that they have seeked out they believe will interest them. They then become educated on this topic.

I have concluded that when I make my music magazine I will keep the audience in mind at all times. This is so I focus on my target audience of who I would want to buy my product and read it. It will be a fashion within music magazine so my target audience will be teenagers interested in this industry.

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