Masthead designs

I had the opportunity to test out some fonts and mastheads on InDesign to try and figure out what style I like for my real front cover. Here is what I came up with

Here are a few practice designs of some fonts I may choose to use for my masthead.

The first font is called Prisma, I like the colour and shade of pink I used also. This font is my favourite out of the 5 I tested.

The second font is called Rosewood and is very unique but I don’t think it fits the word ‘Reign’ well as it isn’t too easy to read as it has lots of details to it.

The third font is called Stencil, I like how it is very symmetrical yet I find it isn’t very eye catching and it is difficult to make it one specific colour.

The fourth font is Niagara engraved and I really like this font and the colour I use, however I don’t think my masthead should be in lowercase as I want my masthead to stand out.

The final font is Niagara engraved in caps, in gold and I really like this font as it looks very royal. I like this one as well as the first one I used, Prisma, so I will choose one of these for my masthead.

In conclusion, I really like the boldness and style of the first font, Prisma. However if I were to use this for my masthead I think I would change the colour from pink to gold to make it more fitting to the ‘reign’ and royalty theme. I also think the crown shape above the masthead is very efffective as it fits to the theme, it is also very eye catching so I may choose to use this little symbol of the crown in my real masthead, depending on what cover picture I choose and whether it will suit the colour scheme.

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